October 18 Vote | Capital Improvement Project

Capital Improvement Project Bond Passes

Dear KLSD Community,

Thank you to all who took the time to vote on October 18, 2022!

The bond has passed and work will commence. We look forward to our continued partnership.

- KLSD Board of Education  

Voter Registration Information | Special Voter Registration on October 8

Voter Registration Information     |   Other Voter Information 

The Katonah-Lewisboro School District will hold a Special Voter Registration on Saturday, October 8, 2022, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the District Office. 60 North Salem Road, Cross River, NY.

Property Tax Calculator

Each individual property is taxed based on its assessed value. The district has created a tool for taxpayers to enter the assessed value of their property and the estimated impact for each property will be calculated. Access the tax calculator.

Contact Us

Questions about the Capital Improvement Project?

Submit your question to questions@klschools.org

Community Conversations

All welcome!

October 3, 7:00 pm, John Jay High School

October 4, 9:30 am, John Jay Middle School

At a glance - Timeline

at a glance - Highlights of the Project

Full Presentation by Facilities Committee, June 16, 2022, BOE Meeting

Presentation Review by Superintendent Selesnick, Sept 8, 2022, BOE Meeting

Absentee Ballot Process

Absentee Ballots:
To obtain an absentee ballot for the October 18, 2022 Capital Project Bond Vote an application must be completed and returned to the District Clerk before an absentee ballot can be provided.
You may request an absentee ballot if you are concerned about contracting COVID-19. Check "temporary illness or physical disability" in Box 1.
An application cannot be submitted prior to Monday, September 19, 2022
Applications, if they are mailed, must be received by the District Clerk by Tuesday, October 11, 2022. If the application is mailed the address is 60 North Salem Road, Cross River, NY 10518.
Applications, if delivered personally, must be received by the School District Clerk not later than 5 PM on Monday, October 17, 2022. If the application is hand delivered the address is 60 North Salem Road, Cross River, NY 10518. The District Offices are located around the left side of the John Jay High School. Please see the attached map showing the location of the District Office.
Once the application is completed, please return to the District Clerk’s office. Your ballot will be mailed to the address you specify when the ballot is ready. The absentee ballot will be handed to the registered voter directly or the person authorized. A ballot may not be given to anyone other than to the voter or the person authorized by the voter to pick up the ballot on his/her behalf.
Absentee ballots must be received by the School District Clerk no later than 5 PM on Tuesday, October 18, 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact the District Clerk Kimberly A. Monzon at 914-763-7020.

Proceso de votación en ausencia

Por favor, haga clic aquí para descargar e imprimir la solicitud de voto en ausencia. APLICACION AQUI

Para obtener una boleta de voto en ausencia para la votación de bonos de Proyecto capital del 18 de octubre de 2022, se debe llenar una solicitud y devolverla a la Secretaría de Distrito antes de que se pueda proporcionar una boleta de voto en ausencia.
Puede solicitar una boleta de voto ausente si le preocupa contraer COVID-19. Marque "enfermedad o discapacidad física temporal" en el recuadro 1.
No se puede presentar una solicitud antes del lunes 19 de septiembre de 2022.
Las solicitudes, si son enviadas por correo, deben ser recibidas por la Secretaría de Distrito a más tardar el martes, 11 de octubre de 2022. Si la solicitud se envía por correo, la dirección es 60 North Salem Road, Cross River, New York 10536.
Si las solicitudes se entregan personalmente, deben ser recibidas por la Secretaria del Distrito Escolar a más tardar el lunes, 17 de octubre de 2022, a las 5 de la tarde. Si la solicitud se entrega en mano, la dirección es 60 North Salem Road, Cross River, NY 10518. Las oficinas del distrito se encuentran en el lado izquierdo de la Escuela Secundaria John Jay. Por favor vea el mapa adjunto que muestra la ubicación de la Oficina del Distrito.
Una vez llenada la solicitud, por favor devolverla a la Secretaría del Distrito. Su boleta se enviará a la dirección que usted especifica cuando la boleta esté lista. La boleta no se puede dar a nadie más que al votante o la persona autorizada por el votante para recoger la boleta en su nombre.
Las boletas de votos en ausencia deben ser recibidas por la Secretaria del Distrito Escolar a más tardar el martes 17 de octubre de 2022, a las 5 de la tarde.