New Year Wishes

From Field Day to New Friends

Gabriel’s eyes lit up when he was asked what he was looking forward to this year. “Field Day!” His friend added, “I’m looking forward to doing a lot of running!”

Jeanne Hand, the school librarian, also asked Tommy and Matthew about their hopes for the new year just before they walked into school for the day.

“I’m looking forward to music,” said Tommy. “I love to sing.”

“I’m looking forward to playing the violin and getting better at reading,” said Matthew.

students - and teachers - share new year hopes on Good Morning KES

Good Morning KES Brings school together

Students and teachers had a chance to share their back-to-school excitement on Good Morning KES, the school’s daily show, each day this week. The show, produced by Hand, is hosted by fifth graders. It gives the senior students of the school an opportunity for leadership. Because Good Morning KES is watched in every classroom, it also brings the whole school community together.

While the show always features the lunch menu, weather and Pawsome Pledge, it also spotlights school themes and seasonal topics. For instance, this month it is also highlighting Hispanic Heritage Month by interviewing those in the school community with a Hispanic background.

The most popular thing both students and teachers are looking forward to is getting to know everybody. “I’m looking forward to meeting all of you,” said Assistant Principal Kweon Stambaugh.