Susan Verde Visits

Problem-solving strategies and resilience are Increase Miller Elementary’s themes this month, and Verde’s books and visit are part of it.

Her book "I Am Courage: A Book of Resilience” is the May all-school read, inspiring classroom discussions about the importance of trying new things, asking for help and getting back up after a fall.

Second graders are also reading her book “The Water Princess” with librarian Juli Hoffman as part of a STREAM unit about clean water.

Verde led a conversation with the students about mindfulness and affirmations—tools that she includes in all of her books.

“If you don’t feel good inside, it’s hard to take care of yourself, or anyone else,” she said.

There was just enough time in the assembly for Verde read her new book “Who I Am: Words I Tell Myself.”

Students were peaceful and reflective as they took the words to heart:

When the unkind voice gets loud and I feel down, I can tell myself: I am enough. In this world, I matter.