Wish Granted!

A Surprise Reveal Shows School Support

John Jay Middle School hosted a very special surprise presentation on May 16. Eighth-grader Gabrielle’s wish was granted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation … in front of the entire grade!

The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes to children with critical illnesses, believing that a wish can help them believe in themselves and fight their illnesses.

While Make a Wish took care of the gift, 8th grade counselor Annemarie MacSweeney arranged the reveal. She coordinated the event in the school’s theater with days’ notice, getting the entire eighth grade, plus Gabrielle’s family, to be part of the surprise. The pop-up assembly, emceed by Principal Jeff Swiatowicz, was a way for the John Jay Middle School community to show  Gabrielle their support.

With 'wish granters,' Principal Swiatowicz and Mrs. MacSweeney

Make-A-Wish makes an announcement

Gabrielle said that when she entered the auditorium and saw the Make-a-Wish sign on the stage, she felt nervous and excited. “I didn’t know who else it could be for,” she said. The basketball player also recalled what she’d wished for.

“You are going to the ESPY Awards!” said Jessica Rosh, wish granter and member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. As students cheered, MacSweeney opened the stage curtain. Gabrielle saw her mother and her sister holding an oversized boarding pass to the Los Angeles International Airport.

Exciting VIP package, plus some!

Make-a-Wish representative Grace DeRosa said that Gabrielle and her family will receive VIP treatment at the annual sports awards show, including airfare, transportation, hotel and meals as well as special events with professional athletes and celebrities!

After the assembly, Gabrielle’s friends gathered on stage to celebrate with her, adding girl power to the gifts of hope and healing.

Special Support from JJMS Community