
Awards Ceremony for 9th, 10th and 11th grades

John Jay’s cafeteria was transformed into a celebratory space for the 2024 Awards Ceremony for 9th, 10th and 11th grades. The school flew its colors on balloons and ribbons and the room was filled with the energy of more than 100 students and their families.

“You can tell what a community values by what it celebrates,” said Dr. Steven Siciliano, principal of John Jay High School, in his introduction to the May 22 Awards Ceremony. He highlighted the team of educators and students who met throughout the year to make the 2024 award categories more aligned with the school’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. “This year, we acknowledge academic excellence, service and character.”

Department Awards Honor Academic Achievement and Growth

John Jay’s ten departments—from Art to World Language— honored the academic excellence of freshmen, sophomores and juniors. Several awards included funding for college, including the Bucknell Physics & Astronomy Award, awarded to Marc Milliot; the Rensselaer Award, awarded to Jordan Kauftheil; and the Clarkson University Achievement Award, awarded to Matthew Wolfe. Departments also honored students’ perseverance and growth in content areas.

Recognizing service and character

The final two award categories honored service and character.

Class Advisors awarded Service Awards to two students from each class and, in the same spirit, John Jay’s Assistant Principals gave Administrators’ Recognition Awards to six students.

“We honor students with outstanding character, resilience and dedication to positively impact the lives of those around them,” said Dr. Samir Biswas, assistant principal. “Their remarkable contributions often go unnoticed, but their impact is profound.”