Moving Up

A celebration of growth and great memories!

Two hundred and forty-nine fifth graders moved up with elbow bumps, first bumps and plenty of photo ops!

This year, elementary schools ran several ceremonies, each one limited to students, parents and teachers of individual classrooms. The format made the gatherings very personal and gave each child more time to shine! The ceremonies were just one of many special moments the fifth graders enjoyed. They  participated in school-wide flag ceremonies that acknowledged each grade moving up. Each fifth grade class enjoyed a highlights reel of their time in elementary school. The rising sixth graders were also welcomed to John Jay Middle School through a video message from Principal Jeff Swiatowicz.

Increase Miller Elementary School

Fifth graders were welcomed to Increase Miller Elementary by a fun array of their headshots set up like garden of flowers! (see photo below)

At the Moving Up celebration, Principal Kerry Ford and Assistant Principal Dr. Michael Weschler captured elementary school memories for the fifth graders with an Increase Miller twist on the ABCs ...

R means reach for the stars

S is for Schoology

T is for teachers' care—"It’s hard to say goodbye but you’re so ready to move forward," Principal Ford said to the students. 

warm memories

words of wisdom

Katonah Elementary School

At Katonah Elementary’s Moving Up celebration, Principal Cristy Harris and Assistant Principal Kweon Stambaugh shared that each fifth grader would receive a packet of sunflower seeds donated by the Bedford Conservation Board as one of their gifts. 

The flowers symbolize hope and happiness, growth and courage. They’ll remind students to stand tall and proud, stay passionate and bright, and stay connected to the friends they made at KES.

Meadow Pond Elementary School

Principal Carolann Castellano and Assistant Principal Dawn Pomeroy gathered memories for the students in the form of Meadow Pond ABCs ...

O is for "The Big One-Oh!"—the fifth grade zoomsical performed this year

P is for PARP—keep reading

Q is for the wedding of Q and U. Principal Castellano officiated the annual event affair for this year's fifth graders when they were in kindergarten!

Celebrating a milestone