district distributes iPads/laptops

Sparkling eyes above brightly colored masks showed eager back-to-school excitement. Families pulled up to John Jay Middle School in a parade of cars, rolling down their windows to pick up each student's iPad.

“It feels real now,” said one mom from the driver’s seat. School was going to happen.

Personal devices for students is a key part of Katonah-Lewisboro School District’s reopening plan. They deter sharing high-touch surfaces and ensure that all students have access to their teachers, no matter how learning is delivered.

All devices include Schoology--the learning management system the district is using--as well as other apps students will need in their classes.

Students were preassigned pickup times based on their last names to keep social distance. Elementary and middle school families didn’t need to leave their cars—vehicles were directed to the proper point around the circle in front of John Jay Middle School for drive-through distribution of iPads. Eighth graders received laptops.

Each high school grade had its own entrance at John Jay High School for in-person distribution of laptops. As students signed out their devices, they mentioned typical back-to-school feelings of looking forward to seeing their friends and getting used to their schedules.

“I’m happy to be coming in even for two days a week!”

 “I’m excited to see people I haven’t seen in a while.” 

“I’m in Cohort B. I have a lot to figure out!”

thank you, parent volunteers!

More than sixty parents volunteered to assist the Technology Department in the three-day distribution. “Thank you to everyone, especially district parents, for making our distribution run so smoothly,” said Director of Technology Chris Nelson.

Read an earlier story about this initiative.