Reminder: High School fall sports try outs begin on August 26th (Football August 24th). Please make sure you register on FinalForms.
about 1 month ago, John Jay Athletics
Tomorrow, August 14, is the last day for community members to volunteer to serve on the Board of Education's Audit, Facilities, Finance and Sustainability committees. If you are interested, please contact District Clerk Kim Monzon at Thank you!
about 1 month ago, KLSD News
The Board of Education is scheduled to meet on Thursday, August 8, 2024 for a brief public session in order to vote on awarding a bid for the Installation of the Playground Equipment at JJMS. The meeting will be devoted only to voting on this item; therefore, the meeting will not be recorded or live-streamed.
about 1 month ago, KLSD News
Increase Miller Elementary’s cafeteria was filled with soft chatter, a little laughter and the tap-tapping of game pieces this morning. It was Math Games, a before-school gathering for kindergarteners and their parents.
The event was all about encouraging families to play with math.
“We want to foster children’s love for math,” said Selina Hedigan, district math coach, who led the event with Lisa Burroughs, the district’s K-2 math curriculum leader.
3 months ago, KLSD News
Congratulations to all KLSD Retirees! 🎉 You will be missed!
Michael Gelfer, Music Teacher, Elementary Schools
Jennifer Keegan, Special Education Teacher, John Jay High School
Holly Kellogg, Art Teacher, John Jay Middle School
Linda Kirshenbaum, Music Teacher, Elementary Schools
Henriette Kutscher, Foreign Language Teacher, John Jay High School
Anna Loeb, Math Teacher, John Jay Middle School
Diana McLoughlin, Sr. Office Assistant, John Jay High School/Guidance
George Mikell, Head Custodial Worker, John Jay High School
Mary Mullaney, Registered Professional Nurse, John Jay Middle School
Andrew Selesnick, Superintendent of Schools, District Office
Lynn Swee, Special Education Teacher, Katonah Elementary School
Ramiro Vahos, Custodial Worker, John Jay High School
Terrilynn Wuensch, Speech Language Therapist, John Jay High School
3 months ago, KLSD News
Welcome to the Cardboard Carnival - an amazing opportunity for collaboration, creativity and kindness! Increase Miller Elementary’s fourth graders hosted the low-tech, high fun experience for the school’s kindergarteners! The sweet event was the result of a four-week design and build cycle in the school library with Librarian Juli Hoffman.
3 months ago, KLSD News
College Athletics Commitment Ceremony! After walking the stage at John Jay High School for individual photos with family, friends, coaches and trainers, the celebration continued on the Contest Field! Congrats to all Wolves who are planning on continuing to play their respective sports in college next year!