Welcome to Capital Project Updates
In October 2022, the KLSD community voted to allow the Katonah-Lewisboro District to bond for up to $49.5 M for capital projects at all five schools: Increase Miller Elementary School, Katonah Elementary School, Meadow Pond Elementary School, John Jay Middle School, and John Jay High School.
This project represents the Katonah-Lewisboro community’s decision to fund a major investment in our school district's infrastructure and facilities. It's a testament to our commitment to providing a safe, modern and enriching learning environment for our students.
This section of the District’s website is devoted to keeping the KLSD community updated on the status of the work associated with the capital project. The District will update the site with photos, videos, and status updates as it goes through the project process. Please check back for updates and new information.
Glimpses of Winter 2024-25
Increase Miller Elementary's School's addition

Brick and steelwork.

Steel and roof “Q” metal decking installed. Steel wall framing, sheet metal ductwork and plumbing work. HVAC system and ductwork installation.

Increase Miller Elementary and Meadow Pond Elementary security vestibule brickwork and installation.

Increase Miller Elementary's library floor installed and new STREAM Lab.
John Jay Middle School

John Jay Middle School's consumer science classrooms: new ceiling grid, plumbing rough-on and framing.

New accessible playground completed.
John Jay High School

B Wing demolition continues.

Jay Center bleachers' project completed.
Glimpses of Summer 2024

Main project components

Full renovation of C wing science classrooms including air conditioning
Conversion of B wing to a flexible learning commons including air conditioning
Auditorium renovation with new seating, lighting and sound equipment
Modernize two outdated step labs to become usable, flexible learning and presentation spaces
Outdoor classroom
New entrance vestibule for enhanced security

Renovate tech lab to support innovation and creativity through hands-on collaborative work
Update family and consumer science facilities and install greenhouse
Install air conditioning in south-west wing
Update step lab to become a usable, modern learning and presentation space
New entrance vestibule for enhanced security
Enhanced theater entrance with accessible outdoor play & learning space

Replace aged-out modular classrooms with increased classroom space
Upgrade common areas with new flooring, lighting and air conditioning
Convert old computer lab into modern, flexible makerspace
New entrance vestibule for enhanced security

Replace end-of-life oil-burning boilers with geothermal cooling and heating system
Convert old computer lab into modern, flexible makerspace
New entrance vestibule for enhanced security

Convert old computer lab into modern, flexible makerspace
Upgrade common areas with new flooring, lighting and air conditioning
New entrance vestibule for enhanced security

Where necessary, projects include replacement of single glazed windows, partial roof replacement, partial conversion of heating system from fossil fuel to electric heat pump, bathroom renovations, updating aging casework and replacement of aging floor tile.
Exploratory Drilling For Geothermal Energy At KES in Spring 2024

Community Presentations
Architect's Update: 10.26.23 BoE meeting
Architect's Update: 6.15.23 BoE meeting