
Face Coverings and Social Distancing

Students must wear a face covering on a school bus if they are physically able. Students will sit in a socially distanced manner to the greatest extent possible. Seats may be assigned to maintain appropriate social distancing while riding and to promote social distancing as students board and leave the bus. 

Students who do not have a face covering will not be denied transportation, but they will be provided with a face covering by KLSD before boarding the bus. Students with a disability which would prevent them from wearing a face covering will not be forced to do so or denied transportation. In such a case, a student must be seated in a 6-foot socially distanced manner from all others on the bus.

KLSD bus drivers, monitors, attendants, and mechanics will wear a face covering and may wear an optional face shield.


All students will be trained and provided periodic reminders on the proper use of personal protective equipment, the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, and proper social distancing.

All KLSD transportation staff will be trained and provided periodic refreshers on the proper use of personal protective equipment, the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, and proper social distancing.


Personal Protective Equipment such as masks, gloves, and optional face shields will be provided by KLSD for drivers, monitors and attendants on buses. Staff may choose to provide their own PPE so long as it meets CDC guidelines. Drivers, monitors, and attendants who must have direct physical contact with a child must wear gloves.

Transportation to other settings

Whether KLSD is in session remotely, in-person, or otherwise, pupil transportation will be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, and charter schools as appropriate and in compliance with other KLSD policies. Additionally, students whose Individualized Education Programs have placed them out of district and whose schools are meeting to conduct in-person session education when/if KLSD is not, will be transported by KLSD as appropriate and in compliance with other KLSD policies.