Vaping - September 2019

September 9, 2019

Dear KLSD Families,

I hope the school year has started well for all.

I’m writing today about the vaping related health scare that is making national headlines. If you haven’t seen the stories, you can read one here.

I encourage you to have conversations with your children (particularly those in middle and high school) about this most recent news.

We know that adolescents will tend to downplay risk to themselves. This current surge of very serious illnesses (now being reported as more than 450 possible cases across 33 states and five deaths linked to vaping) provides increasingly concrete evidence of the dangers of vaping. Over the weekend, the Centers for Disease Control encouraged people to stop vaping while their investigation continues. On Saturday, Governor Cuomo said, “… no one should be using vaping products until we know what it is.”

Please know that we will continue to address the topic of vaping with our secondary students through health classes and assemblies. Our high school principal, Dr. Siciliano, is emailing information directly to high school students (Please encourage your high school aged children to check their school email regularly).

If you’re seeking additional information on drug prevention, or would like to speak to one of our professionals, please feel free to contact the social worker in the school your child attends. A list of our social workers and their contact information can be found here.

Thank you for your support.

Andrew Selesnick, Superintendent of Schools