PARP encourages children to relish reading.

PARP stands for Pick a Reading Partner. It’s an annual, month-long celebration full of mystery readers, author visits, book groups, character days, and more, made extra special by school librarians, reading specialists, teachers, administrators, and parents.

This year’s inventive themes are Read-opoly (IMES); Reading Ninja Warriors (MPES) and Books Always WIN (KES).

All schools launch or close PARP with a visit from John Jay High School's Advanced Acting class. High school students performed skits from favorite children's books including ”Amelia Bedelia,” “The Giving Tree,” “Leo the Late Bloomer,” and “The Dot.” MORE. 

Students also met published authors during PARP. They talked about writing with Rob Buyea--he also read some of the Mr. Terupt series, found encouragement to be creative every day with Alan Katz, met Lauren Tarshis, author of the I Survived series--who reminded them to keep writing, and gained tips and tricks for writing with Kate Klise.