Moving Up 2022

Increase Miller Elementary's Moving Up celebration was all the more exciting for the fifth graders because it was at John Jay Middle School, where most would be attending the following year! The students even arrived by school bus, causing more than a few to imagine it was already next fall and they were sixth graders on their way to meet their new classmates.

But first, Moving Up, celebrating the completion of elementary school and all they'd accomplished.

stepping forward

The fifth graders filed onto the risers on the stage made festive with balloons and a big congratulations banner. The auditorium seemed huge--to them and to family members in the audience--compared to their recent production of Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.  and other school celebrations in Increase Miller Elementary cafeteria. Assistant Principal Dr. Michael Weschler led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Before the students sang a the song they'd prepared, conducted by music teacher April Higgins one last time, Assistant Principal Kerry Ford addressed the students.

On the Middle school's stage

Excerpt from Principal Kerry Ford's remarks at Moving Up

As you look ahead at middle school, the weather forecast is bright and promising.  We wish you “smooth sailing” but know that some waves and brief storms along the way are not a bad thing. They prepare and teach you how to navigate problems and build skills for the future.     

Fifth graders, remember to cherish the memories from elementary school and embrace your journey ahead. We know you will continue to grow and learn in middle school, and we wish you all the best!  Congratulations on Moving Up! 


"Always" by Spencer Eldridge

fifth grade song

The Moving Up Ceremony also included the debut of an original song by art teacher Spencer Eldridge! Enjoy this short portion ... the lyrics say it all.

We walked these halls
Right from the start
I keep it all
Here in my heart
We learn to fly
Soon we are gone
We are your children
This is our song.