STREAM: Integrating Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Art, and Math

Kindergarten classes across Katonah-Lewisboro School District were filled with similar scenes that morning. Groups of two and three six-year-olds watched high school students in Steven Zoeller's Design and Draw for Production class measure and sketch doghouses made of Lincoln Logs, building blocks, or Legos. Each team of kindergarteners also told their high school buddy if they wanted a gable, flat, or shed-style roof—and why.

The high school students will model each doghouse in AutoCAD, then build it in foam core over the next two weeks and deliver it to the elementary school classes. The kindergartners will construct a roof that will keep their dog dry based on their tests of aluminum foil, tissue paper, card stock, and felt as possible materials. 

"This experience takes project-based learning to the next level—to what I call product-based learning,” said Zoeller. "Students use their skills and knowledge to meet their customer's needs."