Meet this Year's Homebase Leaders

Homebase brings people together

"Remember what it was like in sixth grade?" Assistant Principal Harry Laub was speaking with a group of eighth graders gathered in John Jay Middle School's library for Student Leaders Orientation.

"You might have been really nervous."

"Homebase is one of the ways you can help students feel like they belong," he said. "Homebase brings people together."

Homebase is a 20-minute mixed-grade class that meet 8:00 – 8:20 am each day. While there’s a teacher in each class, games and discussions are led by an eighth grade Homebase Leader.

The volunteer position is offered to all seventh graders at the end of the school year.  “For many students, this is their first opportunity to take a leadership role,” said Harry Laub, the interim assistant principal who works with the Homebase Leaders. “It’s an opportunity for us to support them in developing leadership skills.”

After playing  some games that brought group dynamics to the forefront, the Homebase leaders had their first assignment: giving school tours to sixth graders. Helping the new middle school students with their lockers was top priority.